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FLI & BW Compatibility with Windows 7, 32 & 64 bit (posted 10/22/2009)

Microsoft released Windows 7 on October 22, 2009.  Presently, FLI v5 and prior versions and BusinessWorks v2009 and prior versions are not supported on Windows 7.  We are committed to supporting this new platform and will notify customers as soon as we have completed our evaluation of this new operating system.

We have been testing FLI v5 and BW v8 on Windows 7 Business, 32-bit operating system for several months and have not encountered any major issues for Windows 7 while running in either Win7 or WinXP modes (Windows 7 Business allows programs to be executed in a WinXp shell); however, we will not support installations of these versions on Win7 until we have fully tested all versions of Windows 7. 

FLI v6 or higher and BW v2010 or higher are expected to be released in 2010, and our focus is to have these versions fully supported for installation on Windows 7, 32-bit operating systems.

We currently do not support installations of FLI and BW on any Microsoft 64-bit operating system.  We are continuing to evaluate the benefit and value of supporting our software on 64-bit operating systems, but will not likely make any significant progress on 64-bit compatibility until at least 2011.

Other Software Applications (e.g. QuickBooks, etc.) and Hardware Devices (e.g. printers, etc.) may not be compatible with Windows 7.  Please check with the vendors of any other applications or devices you use before implementing Windows 7.


BusinessWorks v8 Passes Vista Test! (posted 6/30/2007)


BusinessWorks v8 has been certified compliant for Vista Business and Vista Home Premium.


FLI v5.0.25 Passes Vista Test! (posted 2/12/2007)


A battery of tests running FLI v5.0.25 software on Microsoft Vista operating system were recently conducted, and the results showed that FLI performed correctly on every test administered.  The tests included a brand new installation and company creation, upgrading an existing company to a newer version of FLI, and performing extensive data entry, inquiries, and reporting within FLI.  All tests were performed using Vista Home Premium and Vista Business.


As of today, we will support FLI v5.0.25 and higher on Vista Home Premium for stand-alone installations, and Vista Business for stand-alone and network installations.  When upgrading to Windows Vista, we recommend Vista Business for all installations.


Even though we have confirmed that FLI is compatible with Vista, we recommend a cautious and thoughtful approach before upgrading to Vista.  If you use applications other than FLI for your business, you must confirm for yourself that these applications are also compatible with Vista.  You should also confirm your connected devices such as printers, scanners, etc. will function properly on Vista.


Other considerations BEFORE upgrading to Vista...

  • Vista is very new to the marketplace and may contain undiscovered faults.  Microsoft has already announced it anticipates releasing Service Pack 1 (SP1) in December, 2007 to address issues discovered after the initial release of Vista.  You may prefer to delay upgrading until after SP1.

  • BusinessWorks v7 and earlier are NOT compatible with Vista.

  • QuickBooks v2006 and earlier are NOT compatible with Vista

  • If you are using FLI v5.0.24 or earlier, you may need to purchase an FLI Upgrade before upgrading to Vista.

Compatibility with Windows Vista (posted 1/15/2007)

Microsoft has released its newest operating system, Windows Vista, which includes improvements to security and desktop management.  Presently, FLI, BusinessWorks, and QuickBooks version 2006 and earlier are not supported on Windows Vista.  We are committed to supporting this new platform and will notify customers as soon as we have completed our evaluation of this new operating system.

Vista’s security improvements will require applications to operate in a least-privileged user access (LUA) mode and escalate to higher-privileged modes only when the application requires them. While this improvement will help minimize the likelihood of malware attacks, unfortunately it also prevents legitimate software applications from operating correctly since many applications require either full or administrator rights. 

FLI has performed well on Vista during initial testing, but has not been fully tested on all versions of Vista.  Until all tests are successfully concluded, we will not support installation on Vista.

BusinessWorks v7 and earlier does not operate correctly when Vista's new security feature is turned on (and therefore is not currently supported on Vista), however we are conducting research and testing to determine whether Vista can be configured in such a way that would allow version 7 to be installed on a Vista machine.  Additionally, we are making investments to ensure future versions of BusinessWorks will be fully compatible with Vista.

QuickBooks 2007 is the only version of the software built to run on the Windows Vista operating system, as well as on Windows XP and Windows 2000. QuickBooks 2006 and earlier versions were developed and released before Windows Vista was introduced and will be adversely affected when running on this new operating system. If you decide to try using QuickBooks 2006 or a prior version on a Windows Vista computer, please see our "QuickBooks 2006 or Earlier" FAQ page for more information.

Other Applications and Devices such as printers, scanners, etc. may not be compatible with Vista.  Please check with the vendors of any other applications or devices you use before implementing Windows Vista.

A tongue-in-cheek PDF flowchart about upgrading to Vista was recently posted on - check it out by clicking on the following link:  Windows Vista Upgrade Decision Flowchart (note: Brian Briggs is not affiliated with FLI)





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Last modified: Wednesday April 02, 2014.